Take it Easy, Carbondale

This is glorious Carbondale, Colorado — and we want you to take it all in, just like the Ute Indians have done for generations. Take in the arts and culture of our Creative District, courtesy of our flourishing artistic community. Take in our incredible local food and drink, born from our history as the breadbasket of Colorado’s gold and silver boom.

Take it all in… and take it easy.

The Lowdown on The Slowdown

So much of what makes Carbondale special is the way we approach life. We’re active, accepting, and accommodating. We’re proud of our small town, and want everyone who comes here to enjoy life like we do. It’s there in our unofficial mantra: Take it Easy.

Take It Easy on Our Wild Places

We take pride in the stunning beauty in our backyard, from our biking and hiking trails to our treasured spots for hunting or foraging. Our natural hot springs are no longer a secret, and our scenic vistas have been well and truly ‘grammed.

All of us, visitors and locals alike, make a promise to care for these wild places so they can be enjoyed for eons to come. Before you hit the trails, please read our stewardship guide, and take care of our environment using the principles of Leave no Trace.

Take It Easy on Our Town

Not that long ago, Carbondale’s streets were unpaved and life was slower. We’re bigger now, but still in no hurry, and we invite you to join us at our easygoing pace.

Stick to the speed limits, forget you have a horn, and sit back and enjoy the view if you’re stuck at a stoplight or a cattle drive. With the right attitude, every route is the scenic route.

take it easy on each other

Our locals are as treasured as our famous mountain view, and the community is proud of its western hospitality and laid-back vibe. The people pouring your coffee or checking you into your cabin encourage you to embrace that spirit of courtesy and kindness, and share it with others while you’re here and long after you leave us. We hope that in your time with us, you’ll learn to take it easy on yourself, too.

Illustrations by Larry Day

Take it all in.

Explore arts & culture

Cruise on a scenic drive

Where to chill out

Events & Activities